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The Centre for Information Technology & Instrumentation (CITI) was formally established in 2003, eventhough activities in these fields were being undertaken for more than a decade in the past. The objectives of the Centre are:

  • Co-ordinate the various activities related to these fields going on in the KAU
  • Support the research and administrative managers in the decision making process
  • Technology support for the Virtual University for Agricultural Trade
  • Help the farmers and extension workers to retrieve relevant information
  • Facilitation of IT-supported governance and management
  • Facilitate the teaching-learning process through virtual education and distance learning initiatives
  • Manage the basic communication facilities at all the campuses of the KAU
  • Create and maintain the official website for the KAU (www.kau.edu) on the Internet
  • Create and manage the KAU Network, bringing all the information systems of the University and their equipment together as an integrated system
  • Evolve standards and guidelines for information systems and networks
  • Implement a common hardware and software policy
  • Software license management and hardware maintenance co-ordination
  • Co-ordinate inter-institutional translocation of IT and instrumentation resources
  • Provide support for assessing the needs and choosing appropriate equipment for procurement
  • Provide pre-installation support and supervision for the proper installation and commissioning of equipment
  • Advise in the proper use of instruments
  • Negotiation and supervision of service contracts for special types of equipment